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Certified Doula Care Can Help Improve Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes

Elevance Health Impact
April 20, 2023

Research shows that doulas – trained professionals who counsel pregnant people before, during and after their babies are born – can help improve maternal health outcomes by offering information and education, as well as physical, social, and emotional support. Such care has been found to reduce the rate of cesarean births, preterm births, and postpartum depression, while also improving breastfeeding rates.

Nicky Dawkins, a certified doula in Miami, advocates for her clients, guides them through all aspects of childbirth and makes sure they feel safe, understood and connected to their care teams.

Dr. Tiffany Inglis, Carelon Health's national medical director for women’s and children's health, said expanding access to doulas can close gaps in care.

Read more about how certified doulas help improve maternal health outcomes

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